Breast Clinic

Today I went for a last minute appointment to see the breast surgeon due to someone cancelling yesterday.

It seems that it will be best to wait a while longer before I have the operation, mainly due to the Crohns medication and symptoms. Also due to all my other issues, the surgeon is hoping that things will be more stable in 6 months time. That’s when I’m next due to see him in clinic, then we will decide when’s best to book the operation.

It’s such a nightmare, all these issues and I’ve been feeling extra irritable and snappy. I know I’m doing it but still continue, and I don’t want to be like that. I’m so angry at times, it scares me. I can’t just let things go and move on, I’m not easy going. I’m sure I used to be, maybe things have changed.

I’m fatigued and exhausted and drained.

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